
Por Remypas
02/04/2010 - 13:41:21

Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: 3.2 (Bueno)
Tags: coler, remypas


The things you do for money..... If you didn't have your eye on that new interstellar drive you wouldn't have accepted this mission.You have to inspect an old mining town that has turned into a Ghost-Town a long time ago. Something there went wrong. No 1 MPN 04-02-2010 WOW! Featured 07-06-10, THANKS! 2000 plays before the feature, over 18,000 now! And AMAZING comments. Thanks everyone!

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Por Urbivor

Design = 10

Por Maggotsgar

Gr8 b8 m8 no h8 i r8 8/8 m8

Por Kolagon

You've made the TNT to strong. And due to how the gravity is in Spore, you can accidently kill yourself if you don't aim it properly.

Por Jagozaur

The best Adventure! I love Coler! Underground is awesome, burning city is amazing! Great idea to make adventure like this!

Por RobotBrain

Awesome is the level. Really did the atmosphere well!

Por aankin

Really, really nice and exciting adventure! I'm a little speechless!

Por Mf99knanvicyr

first time I played this had a ton of trouble but the second time was easy (the first time it had glitched and I got stuck lol.) was this inspired by that ghost town in virginia or whatever with the undergroud fires?

Por Coldsore24

Not possible to complete, the adventure has no ending. If received in-game, then there would be no check marker to go to in order to end the mission. Very sloppy.

Por MataRahi

The atmosphere here is amazing :D

Por DragonMaster2502

Impressive how long did it take you to make this?

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