Gastorphod Torture Pit
No puntuado

Por Jomeaga
24/03/2010 - 23:45:30

Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 0.94 (No puntuado)
Tags: ingame, jomeaga


Going back to their violent roots, they hold public viewings of these torture events. Dropping members of tribes down this seemingly endless pit is what all Gastorphods live for!


Por sirhc502

wow you've gotten alot better since i last got on... ALOT better

Por Serevanth

I see mining equipment when I look at this, I know its not right though

Por Hydro_Glyph

..sweet looking, looks like something from Stargate.

Por DMR1985

This looks awesome, and very sinister description I might add, R+

Por Reyes1

Awesome building design

Por Alex27123344

HAHA! this would make a great prop

Por Fuzz95

Awesome! I like that scary black pit of doom.

Por Sakiara

heh, well I guess back in the days this was entertainment for them. I like the colors and good use of connectors. Make more buildings! :)


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