Por hk1x117/02/2010 - 16:57:11
Tipo: Edificio de ocioPuntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Por Poxxum Absolutely Magnificent! The colours contrast with the UNN Mai-Lar in such a manner that it causes the UNN Mai-Lar to look much older than your ship.(which of course is the whole point. I suspect.)
Por rapcat7 I loved this room in the adventure!
Por codyr2391 This is one big prop, a lot of work I imagine.
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Por Poxxum
Absolutely Magnificent! The colours contrast with the UNN Mai-Lar in such a manner that it causes the UNN Mai-Lar to look much older than your ship.(which of course is the whole point. I suspect.)
Por rapcat7
I loved this room in the adventure!
Por codyr2391
This is one big prop, a lot of work I imagine.