OMG Maxis!!!!!!
No puntuado

Por coveman1
24/01/2010 - 21:48:21

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: asshole, code, coveman1, maxis, mech, parts, rant, you suck


OMG Maxis what is your problem!!!!!! If only the people in the US can get the mech part patch then why can't I?!?!?!? And why can't anyone else?!? It's not fair! So just fix it and GIVE OUT THE STUPID CODE!!!!!!!! >:(


Por dynakit

i would'nt say that if your hoping to get a feature...

Por coveman1

Correction: iz accually EA.... BUT YOU STILL SUCK BALLS!!!!!


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