Antique Four Poster Bed
Por tuinahvuni
13/12/2009 - 16:59:39
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 12.41 (Bueno)
Tags: a spore christmas carol, antique bed, four poster bed, mcholidaychallenge, sporeholidaycontest09, team: the bah humbugs, tuinahvuni
Man I wish I had this bed for myself, LOL! ...even has silk sheets (for the adventure "A Spore Christmas Carol")
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Por nin99
looks... so... soft...
Por electroprobe
This is a masterpiece! By:Ryv
Por grasiosa
Por RobbiePhoebe
I happen to have an abundance of your props anyhow, so Im glad you said that. Ill make sure I work really hard on the GA so it compliments your awsomeness. :D
Por RobbiePhoebe
I hope you dont mind if I use this in an adventure, do you?
Por electroprobe
Can I sleep in it?
Por wtr409
Lol! wade king's comment.
Por WadeKing14
That's the kind of bed my pet likes to poop on. :~(
Por BlodyX
I seriously almost felt to sleep when i saw it. zzzz
Por Kryssii
Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...Oh! Uh! Sorry! I kinda dozed offfffffffffff...sooo...comp...fortablllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle...
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