Twisted Edit
No puntuado


Por Jiminy8325
26/10/2009 - 16:08:15

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.39 (No puntuado)
Tags: abstract, art, jiminy8325, sculpture, spart


First attempt at using the crane tool for something other than an arch...quite like it! :D (tutorial on how to use crane tool here http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/30/39172.page#1230149 )

Added some woodland around it, partly for scale and partly cos it would be awesome to see somethin like that in a forest.

Wow, can't believe this got featured! Thanks!!!!
llFeatured on 10/28/2009>>


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Por niptor77

Nice! R+!

Por shortbreadtom

Subbed you back ;) Love your building art, they're all really good!

Por debries

Beautiful, R !

Por Ragnar289


Por diesan

A W E S O M E ! ! !

Por BlankVerse

Great fun!

Por groxmaster98

Sweet , It is Awesome !!!!!!!!

Por hootie880

nice work keep it up. hootie880

Por fmasroor


Por Governator123

Great work! Added to fantastic creations :0)

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