Rescue the Ice Princess
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Por Alvador
21/10/2009 - 05:26:03
Tipo: Aventura de búsqueda
Puntuación: 0.03 (No puntuado)
Tags: frozen, ice, princess, purple spice, rescue, smugglers, snow, spice
Orgu- a frigid ice planet, rich in purple spice; will you be the captain who wins the trust of the local Chieftain and the planetary mining rights?
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Por Nokota
I got lost. Some instructions would be nice. I noticed on the leaderboard that only three people have finished this adventure... I'm not surprised. I wound up killing some kind of epic in a cave, but I have no idea if I was actually supposed to do that...
Por Lethe5683
Uddamudd got stuck in his house? That never happened to me. When you return the creature you don't need to talk to him anyways. You need to talk to modud and they are the one that tends to get stuck in their house.
Por Kyna62
Uddamudd got stuck inside his house, and my captain got stuck trying to talk to him when I was attempting to return his breeding creature.
Por Ringeltree
I just skipped the Kladrath. :)
Por Lethe5683
Killing the Kladrath in the cave was also pretty hard but overall very good adventure. Fairly interesting and unexpected plot.
Por Lethe5683
While trying to find them I fell in the water and got atatcked my a giant swordfish thing called a Uull, took forever to kill. -.-
Por Lethe5683
That modud person complety disappeared one time, I think they might have fallen in one of those holes near the cliff.
Por Lethe5683
It works now.
Por Alvador
until Maxis fixes the bug
Por Alvador
This seems to be an issue with the Spore servers, and not any adventure in particular- I've had it happen with other adventures (played, not created) and it seems to resolve itself after a day or 2, which is pretty lame, but nothing to be done about it unt
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