No puntuado

Por Salabasama
16/10/2009 - 09:34:00

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 1.76 (No puntuado)
Tags: campsite, creator:salabasama, gaprop, grass, ruin, tribal


I guess this is a GA prop. I'll add more detail later. Also, I hope if a prop has grass, people remember to change the grass color to the color of the planet they are using.


Por dragonkohan

I am 60 away from 1000 creations

Por MrComic

I live in Sweden my English isnt so very good but we have English in school but Im not the best sometimes I say strange things or use strange words but never tries to been cruel

Por AshcroftAnomaly

Typically any race of mine as long as its relevant. =D

Por GodisCrying

Nice great job cool colors and design R+ ;] !!please comment my creatures ...

Por Vultrio

Yeah I really wish I could use my old captains, they were both strong and cool. Still great to be back.

Por Vultrio

Cool creation, look forward to seeing it in game. R+


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