UrbW Bubble Entry

Por Grimbot
27/08/2009 - 05:17:06

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 3 (Bueno)
Tags: bubble, city, conglomerate, gaprop, grimbot, urban, urban warfare, wall


For building custom structures.


Por Steveomni2

Grimbot please help me! this set's textures turn pink and blue when I add the m into aan adventure. What is wrong with my machine?

Por commander97

(Stares in awe)

Por Mouthwash

damn.... looks great!

Por Wormey1

"Now I will use these walls and doors etc in an Adventure! MUHAHAHAHA!! (coughs) I really need o work on that..."

Por Dairitil

OMG YOUR CREATIONS ARE AMAZING! I especially LOVE your ruins their soooo detailed! AND THEIR RUINS!!!!


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