Large Cabinet
No puntuado

Por Bobeagle77
19/08/2009 - 17:29:51
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.41 (No puntuado)
Tags: bobeagle77, cabinet, cool, gaprop, gaprops, large
The cabinet has 6 glass doors,6 regular doors, and 4 lockable doors. Its a great cabinet for the living room,kitchen,home office, or for the garage.
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Por 444dragonbreeder
Nice! Could I paint it white and use it for my "Stir the Pot" adventure?
Por VexTheSane
Impressive details on this. Could I use it in the next chapter of my haunted house? R+
Por ju1ietta
Por ahlanna
Fantastic cabinet prop!!! R^
Por Ringeltree
Very cool.
Por Littlesquirl
Por Payback0069
great looking cabinet.
Por kibbs96
Por I_Am_Oink
Gorgeous! I love the coloring and details. R+
Por DriveInAlien
Wow, this is just beautiful! And thanks for those comments, by the way. The new puppy has taken a lot of time away from me here, haven't had time to keep up lately!
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