Gaean Module
No puntuado

Por Parkaboy
03/08/2009 - 16:59:24

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: gaprop


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Por gregrox

Looks pretty acurate to Apollo in matters of function. I like it.

Por Nohster

did you work at nasa to?

Por Evan_Emanuel

Dang!That's good.

Por DarkElite666

very nice!

Por 88Wesley

It looks like a lunar lander!!!

Por mlapir

very cool!

Por Thoggnee

DrPhil25: At one time Parkaboy did work for maxis.

Por DrPhil25

Your so good I wonder if your part of the Maxis team sometimes!

Por Magikrulz

Very realistic!

Por Xenoeuphonia

I like the paint job.

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