Astroid Drill

Por Fotosynthesis
23/07/2009 - 03:05:51

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 3 (Bueno)




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Por Ph33redAng3l

this looks like one of thoose thing in half life that keep antilions away

Por a2084824

can i use this for GA?

Por Kimoshnikov

I like how simple this is, yet it still looks great.

Por swiglepop

very ValVe looking....i agree with Dantrooper and Kemp exacly like half-life 2

Por ODST3000


Por Westholm

hey can i use your creations in my adventures please answer quick!

Por Dantrooper

yeahy looks hl2-ey

Por KempWazeXQW

Is there anyone more than me that thinks this looks like thoose things in Half life 2?? Good job anyways

Por Lord_StarPilot

Great looking factory! Love it!

Por sErgEantaEgis

You are the best builder I ever saw on Spore!

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