Big Valley - Chapter One
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Por Nadal6940
08/07/2009 - 15:24:04
Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.55 (No puntuado)
Tags: big, cowboy, feature, nadal6940, valley, western
Thanks for the feature Maxis! Welcome to Big Valley. Explore the town as Sheriff Brady the new law in town. Help the people of the town and earn their trust! I hope you enjoy my first GA! Chapter Two is completed also!
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Por braunie
Wow! Good work. This is one of the few good wild west adventures I'
Por rewop97
¡¡¡Very cool!!!
Por LeeMortis
Superb props and mood in this one. Great characters - absolutely loved the rodeo guy. Added to LM's Recommended Adventures sporecast.
Por Katia95
Por 94Brandon14
Try out my Enigma series! R :D
Por gibberish1
good relly good like reading a book about westerns
Por Giro3000
Whyyyy must it have Creepy + cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it looks so awesome
Por olyonyx
Nice job keep up the good work. :)
Por stgermaine
Por Klaxon159
Nice work. You have done well.
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