No puntuado

Por Luminar
05/07/2009 - 22:13:17

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0.28 (No puntuado)
Tags: creepy, existential, horror, monochrome


The town of Allfaire transmitted a distress signal as you were passing by their planet. Get down there and help them!

Capturas de pantalla


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Por Ugonawin

no new acts appeared after "examine monolith" the second time

Por bohric

For the "Distraction," bring a Shadow to the monoliths. Simple.

Por LeeMortis

The best adventure of yours I've played so far. Awesome mood and a great story. Another one that I am adding to LM's Recommended Adventures sporecast.

Por Crazy1080

So... Anybody have like a guide or something? I just can't seem to do the whole "Distraction" thing. Please help.

Por zzzzzap

Im totally lost in this.

Por bobmcbob79

Another great Luminar adventure, you're becoming one of my favourite creators. Great plot, touching ending and amazing look. Rated up, great job.

Por chuckzuma

Thumbs up!

Por jadow11

amazing adventure is pretty impressive what you can do with the music on spore.

Por fluxtrox

Stunning adventure. nice creations and good story detail.

Por titaniccreatures


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