Hardalin Corner Bar
No puntuado

Por DaniAngione
05/07/2009 - 22:14:22

Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)
Tags: bar, ga prop, gaprop, hardalin, street


A bar in the Corner of a Hardalin Street


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Por tomtom12391

Can i use this

Por LadyDraverlon87

Wow!! Awesome work! ^_^

Por 99CMoney

So futuristic

Por dan00794

sweet bar dude! So much realism, and detail! R+

Por Ghigoland

I will give credit

Por Ghigoland

I want to edit this and put it in a adventure of mine-

Por Razorator_O

Im going to put this in my adventure. Ill give you credit. Its just when i made a bar my guys fell in it and it was imposible to do the mission.

Por Terami

Superb Building!

Por Reblon

Looks like a future bar......

Por bobby1023

you made that SC big boss adventure

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