Ship Interior Open Walk 4-Way
No puntuado

Por codyr2391
05/07/2009 - 17:38:55

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.79 (No puntuado)
Tags: gaprop, set:shipinterior


I know somebody will want this.


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Por Farplanet

Brilliant! Thanks!

Por zlays

Hey thanks for making all of this, it really helped me out.

Por theposeys

Didn't Parkaboy use these Walk-Ways to make the Out of the Frying Pan GA? You did a great job!

Por Barathon

i really will add all your ship interior stuff in my next adventure

Por bluekipperlips

you have another subscriber my friend !

Por 42finder

I'm going to make an adventure using these ship parts. These parts are great. thank you for creations.

Por TinyPieGuy

Wow, you never stop making quality, useful GA props!

Por kernlsandrs

who wouldnt want it?

Por rossraider

I want it!

Por Duckman72

thanks i actually think i need the sewer in the one im making :)

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