
Por WookieeLord
28/06/2009 - 18:42:03

Tipo: Aventura de socialización
Puntuación: 4.82 (Bueno)
Tags: alkadd, attack, battle, commons, dance, fast, fun, launch, orbit, orbital, planet, ring, social, space, speed, spode, spore, station, story, temple, version, warrior


Start on an orbital ring and launch off at speeds fast enough to put you into a stable, unpowered orbit around the planet. Version 1.02!

Capturas de pantalla


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Por gaiadragon

hey, will someone play my adventures? thanks.

Por Codeman94

Can I edit this? I want to add more rooms! (Put reply on my creation titled "War")

Por spence711

cool adventure dude

Por GroxFan7

Do you have to fly?

Por GroxFan7

I can't do it? I don't know which jump pads to use, and they all fail me, except one, but the one the arrow was pointing, didn't work, i just hit the ground!

Por GroxFan7


Por GhostsInTheSnow

nice adventure this is really cool

Por thequids

lol i went thue a windo and later crashed!

Por Humphrey25

cool creation! Check out my adventures sometime! I'd like to know what you think.

Por Bubba2

Dude this is the best Adventure you've ever made, it's so cool I need to say it again :)

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