Boat Dock 2
No puntuado

Por krakenmk
15/06/2009 - 23:12:59

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)
Tags: barrel, boat, crate, dock, fruit, ga, gaprop, merchandise, supplies, vase, wooden


A wooden boat dock, GA prop. This version of the dock has merchandise/supplies added.


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Por Mouthwash

ooh, nice details! wonderful!

Por Xahnith

I'm gonna use this in an adventure k?

Por landon1331

Cool Creation! I hope you don't mind if i use your animals in my adventures. They just look so good, and make my adventure cooler too.

Por Wonny3SW

Cool creation!

Por k13ranp0gs0n


Por Omen420

Wonderfully done dock! love the vase with the dried plant.ty for your comment:)

Por Spartan150

I love all your GA props!

Por Sevensins

Hey nice looking dock. Lol at the melons because I just made the exact same ones for my bazaar =) Love the details on the pillars ;)

Por Andeavor

Look at those melons!

Por Zevais

nice dock

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