Fat Boy Transport
No puntuado

Por manicmoose
05/06/2009 - 16:02:02
Tipo: Vehículo colonial terrestre
Puntuación: 0.63 (No puntuado)
Tags: classic, colony, jsctexas, manimoose, old, template, truck
Made from JSCTEXAS' Old Truck template. Props to him for making a great template :) First template i ever edited.
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Por kaizer001
This thing looks sweet. I actually used it in my adventure (although in retrospect i wish it had a bigger role).
Por Galaxia76
Nice atomic bomb template. I actually used to live where they made it. Thanks for commenting.
Por MohawkJones
LOL!! Great work, I love the nuke.
Por Oft99
It looks very authentic.
Por AapBurger
That's a really cool truck! And I just love the way you've made the bomb! =D
Por glr214
Maybe withJohn Freeman's planes,Wurshtmaxe's tanks and LordRidley's bulidings u could make a WW2 level.
Por sew654321
Very cool
Por chanco
@94macca94:thats because it is!
Por delayedreaction
Fantastic! :DR^^
Por Jonasaur
Lol, now I get it! R+Didja know you can transfer Building textures onto vehicles?
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