Combat Knive
No puntuado

Por Virakotxa
19/05/2009 - 02:33:43
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: blade, commando, dagger, futuristic, gaprop, knive, sci-fi, virakotcha, weapon
You'll often find yourself having to survive with the most basic equipment...
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Por plantrick34
Por TazGroxFriend
Do you have some form of laser rifle you could make or already have that I could use in an adventure plz?
Por SenorDonde
its like the trench knife in fallout 3
Por ToS-Master
Woow... Looks dangerous! Awesome work!
Por Tanith
yep gona have to use this in an adventure
Por xantos169
whoah thats sweet
Por TorgOwl
Por MikeJT
Awesome prop!!! looks amazing!
Por Mágico
wow, great work, excelent job
Por WTFClock
you're the best weapon maker :D
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