Por Wingsaber
11/05/2009 - 00:23:48
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.16 (No puntuado)
Tags: battle ship, flagship, modernized, saberwing fleet, wingsaber
Worried about the aging Avalad's combat effectiveness, the decision was made to temporarily remove her from service until a complete overhaul could be given to the Saberwing flagship. An updated insignia proudly graces her hull along with her 24 brand new, state of the art, Thor photon cannons. Her main air defense battery now consists of 150 turbolaser batteries. Her armor has been completley redone and strengthened in many places. Avalad's reactors have also been replaced allowing her to travel 50% faster than before at only 25% of the fuel cost. With all of these modifications and upgrades the Avalad is now on par with the Supreme Judgement class battleships, allowing the Saberwing Fleet HQ to officialy redesignate her as an Admiral-Class Battleship. She is currently the only ship of this newly formed class.
Por Onyx97
Your ships are AWESOME! R
Por L1G3R
looks huge, good description too
Por Kakuru
Great looking spaceship. Greened :)
Por Himmelslaub
Very cool,i like it!R+
Por Kuroiwolf
excellent creation and description. love your design and detail work. great colors also. very nice work. r+ blued :)
Por RellikLaerec
Awesome ship! R+