Harmonic Award

Por Gryphon57
10/05/2009 - 06:58:51
Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 7.5 (Bueno)
Tags: gryphon57, sporesgottalent
Congrats to Ursidae for winning the most Harmonic Award on SporeTV's contest "Spore's Got Talent" Artistic excellence in creating a wonderful flow of art and words. Please visit Ursidae's page and comment/rate/sub if you like what you see!http://www.spore.com/view/profile/Ursidae
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Por delurkish
Hi Gryphon! love this creation! how did you get the colours metallic like that?
Por GodisCrying
nice good job R !
Por Enderhenne
Gratz to Ursidae!
Por Ceece
Por walfer
so wicked awesome like it lots
Por 514smiler
lol i like how the alien sits on the trophy all relaxed and stuff. nice work!
Por MrFisto
I know it's bad spore manners to pander but I would really like to hear your opinion on some of my stuff. Great trophy by the way, R+
Por Dirtymeat
hehe his eye is concentrating sooo hard too. deeeeep thought.
Por Dirtymeat
lol I thought the spore tv guy was dropping a deuce for a moment. my bad lol. +
Por rustcroc
I love this. Do you want to enter my contest to make a king? see the details on my anouncement creation Thanks!
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