Por Dirtymeat
29/04/2009 - 00:53:46
Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 0.32 (No puntuado)
Tags: dirtymeat, nova deathrace challenge
Manufactured by the *Infernal Shipyards this boneship racer is fitted with cutting edge technology. This series 6 biomechanical pilot has been grown specifically for the *Nova Inc. Deathrace. The permanent infusion of the unseen pilot within the ships chassis has produced an ultra responsive machine capable of split second high-speed maneuvers. In test runs, this particular pilot has proven to be unusually aggressive, often shredding pit crew members that haphazardly wandered in the way of its hull ripping oscillating blade. The Loki-6 hover drives, while conforming to ground race regulations are powered by an unknown energy source. The sound of this racer is unmistakable and if you hear her hungry blades roaring behind you?.it?s too late.

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Por sErgEantaEgis
I definately want a Loki 6 for christmas...
Por ImperialMeteora
man i wish i joined spore when the nova deathrace challenge started 8(
Por Simbadest
This is all I want for christmas!!!!!
Por Tanith
Damn now that is a bike
Por MissMusicPlayer
congrats on 2nd place!
Por Yummy95
congrats on the second! this is fantastic
Por SearingWolfe
imagine this in Texas Chainsaw Massacre :)
Por bryantyler
ALRIGHT! Now only if you could get the spikes to move too....
Por Dantrooper
sooo cool
Por TheGhostOfOnyx
nice job! love the 'cutting edge' technology, i would have entered this but i have been swamped with homework
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