Dungeon Cave Ceiling (Crumbled)

Por Grimbot
20/04/2009 - 16:16:03

Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 2.73 (Bueno)
Tags: cave, cavern, ceiling, dad, dungeon planet, dungon prop, gaprop, grimbot, stalactites, stone, tunnel


It just dawned on me that these Crumbled ceilings are a "better buy" as far as complexity goes because you can make edges AND holes out of them. So if you're running low...


Por Talishmar

I found your GA Construction Tip thread and GA Community interview, now my stomach hurts because of epicness.

Por WooDaddy

Although I'd like to, I can't keep up with and comment on all of your props for GA so just a shot across the bow to say you're crankin' out some stellar goodies! Keep it up man. Woo out.


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