Permafrost Enclave
No puntuado

Por Parkaboy
18/04/2009 - 18:34:42

Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 0.2 (No puntuado)
Tags: gamingsteve, gaprop, parkaboy


Edit of a Felix78 building. Made for Galactic Adventures.


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Por Thoarn

@cormorana: Phhwwshhy

Por cormorana


Por theposeys

Hey ParkaBoy, I made an adventure called Blisters in the Cold using all your Permafrost things. I was wandering if you might want to take a look at it. l:)

Por ShadowMax


Por carbon493


Por ClintostheGreat

wow, great job, looks very realistic, and the building blends well with the mountain

Por 94Brandon14

Excellent job. I give it two thumbs up. Be sure to check out my sporecasts. :D

Por lupus7

wow random coincidence i made a series of building built into the landscape too anyway nice creation no matter what

Por Dragonfire50

awesome, looks like something off of star wars :D

Por Andrewqaz

This could be the building you have to destroy in a mision, provided you can actualy destroy buildings in GA. looking forward to using your permafrost series in GA, its a good set!

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