GAProp Truck
No puntuado

Por techno605
18/04/2009 - 10:48:40

Tipo: Vehículo religioso terrestre
Puntuación: 0.24 (No puntuado)
Tags: big, foot, gaprop, monster, techno605, truck


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Por Giuliano_Clara

Gostei, Maneiro

Por friggzy

Bet this thing drive over anything..Nice work!

Por SimHB


Por AtariMethod

Nevermind, I found one of your comments on his/hers page. I just thought of you when I saw the artworks =]

Por AtariMethod

I'm just dropping you a line. Have you seen Nitrocroc's stuff? If not you should check'um out.

Por ProcyonGuardian

beauifully done, great use of pieces :D

Por Himmelslaub

Really fantastic creation!R+

Por MantisBot

Oooh... sweet build! Looks positively filthy too. Nice work! Digging the suspension...

Por StarUniter

lol cool:D

Por delayedreaction

Brilliant work! :DR^^

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