TCP Ozraptor4
No puntuado

Por Gryphon57
27/03/2009 - 02:30:34
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 1.5 (No puntuado)
Tags: announcement, creator of the week, gryphon57, ozraptor64, tcp
Gratz to Ozraptor4 for being the TCP Creator of the Week 3/27! His amazing recreations of real animals are well deserving of the feature and more attention. Do check his wonderful fish and dinos and if you like what you see, please comment/rate/subscribe Oz! Many thanks!!! Here is the link: http://www.spore.com/view/profile/Ozraptor4 ( created by Gryphon57)
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Por Koopa Troopa
That Is One Heck Of A Fish! Awesome Job!
Por songbird131
Hey could you by chance and any of my colorful creatures to your colorful cuties sp PLEASE i know you already love Wind Dancer
Por wolfbaby98
I used this for Space Stage
Por BringerOfLight94
adding you just cause of this great fish! R+
Por kingofpirates
Por DROIDEKA129980
Por mmmmmmmmm33
this is a pretty beautifle fish as well thanks for the comments! you are my best friend on spore!! please suscribe me. I did it 2 you :) well see ya. P.S. how old are you and how long have you had spore?
Por Foxxy95
nice fish/spaceship! It's so realistic
Por Foxxy95
nice fish/spaceship! It's so realistic
Por itsglenn
R+++ :D
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