Mama's Car
Por tuinahvuni
03/03/2009 - 05:33:40
Tipo: Vehículo económico terrestre
Puntuación: 6.14 (Bueno)
Tags: auto, automobile, car, foreverpiping, tuinahvuni
From foreverpiping's fantastic gift car. We were told to paint and decorate as we wish. Well...my family decided that I needed a new car and this is what they came up with - I guess the tinted windows will come in handy at the undercover PTA meetings LOL!
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Por electroprobe
SWEET! It's better than my Economic Car XD By CT
Por Konkret66
awesome!!!! and you keep telling me you aren't good at this!
Por epikphlail
cool i wish i had a cool car like that................................. OR EVEN HAVE A CAR!!!
Por david14bahena
no joke, i seen that car once in Florida, aweome creation!
Por jim63301
Por Fannwiy
Hey Tuinahvuni, Love your stuff! Do you think you could add my ''Va Va Voom'' automobile to you ''sleek and styl'in'' sporecast? I think it would quallify and i would be honoured. Thanks
Por ariari98
Can I use this car in my car show adventure?
Por kualark
woah that is cool
Por Snwstudd420
very nice,great work
Por Gryphon57
hahahahah...great stuff! love the description!
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