Mona Lisa (La Gioconda)
No puntuado

Por FoodRocket
02/03/2009 - 11:21:47
Tipo: Edificio de ocio
Puntuación: 0.8 (No puntuado)
Tags: da vinci, foodrocket, la gioconda, leonardo, leonardo davinci, mona lisa, painting
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Por ziggy2000
very good
Por Delore
mice. but DaVinci gonna kill you xD
Por Delore
mice. but DaVinci gonna kill you xD
Por Maddiesayshi
mona dosent have eyebrows.....but good job
Por Alexdestroy
heh XD wtf Mona Lisa XD great work! Great art, and replica. R You are a great Da Vinci!
Por Anaelsea
that is amazing
Por ozzyman
Por thegrax
holy s**t!!!
Por hk1x1
Very clever, excellent work.
Por lavaraptore
Is it just me or do her eye seem to follow me? its probly just me.
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