No puntuado

Por Al_B_Bach
28/02/2009 - 13:16:27

Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 1.09 (No puntuado)
Tags: al_b_bach, psa, update


OMG! I just am overwhelmed folks! I can't thank you enough for all the kindness, well wishes and lovely thoughts! I still tire easily as I'm not 100% in the pink, but I will answer ALL the comments, look at your creation(s), rate and comment back.... BUT (the dreaded but).... holy cow, I'm so back logged. Believe me I love the comments and I'm not gritching about them. I just want to be sure no one feels ignored or slighted. Hence this meager creation, think of it as a P.S.A. I wish for you to know that I suffered a great loss in the following, Scasts, buds list, creations, achievements and subscribers. I'm trying to rebuild those losses. Further, adding insult to my loss, one small Scast I rebuilt got wiped again! So, it seems some things I can't recover. Especially subscribers, but in time maybe I'll get them back. What it means to me, and you, is that for each comment I receive - I visit your page and go through each creation to see if I had or where visited before looking for MBs, prior Scasts additions, if in dome cases I may have lost you on the bud list and catch up on creations in general. Very timely work. I also have new folks that comment and had no idea of what I have gone through in the last month during my time off. These include folks that have used templates and wish me to look at their work (PLEASE use my MB for that request not the creation comment - except templates so I know what to look for!), and they deserve their fair look and my time. The list is very long indeed, and worse is I have to work from the present to past comments, so many old friends who commented back in Dec are at the back of the list. I wish there was a way to reverse the comments from oldest to new, but there isn't that I'm aware of, short of going to the end and working up. So I plod along. I am determined to respond to EACH one! I know that some have suggested to just 'approve all' and be done with it - people will understand, but that is not within my nature to do so. If you took the time to write and rate my work in a honest fashion, then I shall do so in kind. So in close, if you haven't heard from me yet... please be patient, you're in my comment list and I haven't worked my way down to you yet. I will get there. So again, please don't feel I don't care, cause I do! It's just taking much more work than I anticipated. Thank you all so much for the love, the kindness you have shown and the joy of knowing, and meeting you all! Peace! [Creature design by Al B. Bach]


puntos ADN
72 Huesos4 Pies0 Manos
Dieta: Herbívoro
Salud: +4
21 %
45.29 %
11 / 20
5 / 20
3 / 15
3 / 51 / 50 / 5
4 / 54 / 53 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

Por LuiBei1994

hey weres your mailbox?

Por Serevanth

Oh, and I am so stealing that armor / plating idea you have going on its back!

Por Serevanth

Looking at this in the viewer right now, the head and face are amazing Al! You really get no idea how good from the thumbnail!

Por Al_B_Bach

It would be so cool if the site had an in place viewer that allow 360 view!

Por Al_B_Bach

Again the thumbnail is terrible. The pose is horrible, facial doesn't show and color is lost. Best viewed in editor or game.

Por Al_B_Bach

Please!... Comment respectfully, I'll always respond and look at your creations! So please just don't leave a comment that says only that. If you want to say something not pertaining to the creation, use my Mail Box in the Postal Scast.

Por Al_B_Bach

Please check out my creations and rate them. Hope you like them, if so, add me to your buds list. I'm learning, so constructive critique is welcome. If you want one as a template... just ask, but PLEASE give me due credit. I work hard on these. TY!


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