Gaia's Essence
No puntuado

Por Al_B_Bach
18/01/2009 - 09:27:08

Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 1.44 (No puntuado)
Tags: al_b_bach, fairy, flight, gaia, sprite, winged


Gaia's Essence is our outer Essence and a reflection of us through our world, the least noticed and seen. Gaia is crying, she is sad, she hurts for us all in her loneliness, for we have forgotten her. In her reflection lost are the great plains of rolling grass, replaced with city sprawl. Vistas that once took a breath away and tears formed from the beauty of the sight, now are tourist traps of deceit and greed. Gone are the great wooded forests that housed the very essence of life that made the world great and flurishing and inturn help make us. Are these the future legacy that we will leave to the spirt that nurtured us from infancey to the race of supposed intelligent beings we proclaim ourselves to be? I shudder to think it so. Did not this kind and wise Essence teach to respect and be part of our world rather than feed constantly from her flesh and give so little in return. Are we not monsters of our own making if we do? What will we do when she has no place in our hearts to temper us with lifes passion and wonder and that of our generations that follow? Gaia's Essence is our worldy collective conscious, she is our home and is sadly one of the most ignored. She tells us as a whole how we are doing if we take the time to look and hear. She is us as we are her in blind truest form. What we do with her is returned ten fold. She will survive, we may not. She shows us in ways that test our intelligence, to nurture and protect... to be prudential in our use of her and wise in our steps and stay close to natures call to blend respectfully with her. Nature is the basic soul of us and that of our world... therefore is Gaia not within us? We are intertwined, whether we wish to believe or not. It is not a matter of tree hugging, recycling, that of global warming, or whatever the current priggish fluff is... these are just tests of our own well being. It simply is a matter of being true to ourselves, our very survival in the small part of natures existence... that is what she wishes to teach us, how we adapt to the needs that are demanded... but only if we choose to listen and learn. We are but small parts in the world, but we play the largest role in it. If we take the time, and look across our wonderful home, no matter where it is, and see some beauty that warms the heart or brings joy in just being there... that my friend is Gaia's Essence. Look, listen, learn... relish it! If we do not, it will disappear and so will we. Love and protect her as she was your very own, for you see... she is you and me. Our home. Help her grow strong and treasure her splendor, for next to our childern she is our legacy that we will leave, and impart a little bit of our imortality for all to see. Part eight of a small series of eight! This is it, I hope you enjoyed the Essence.... but not the end for I have one more to give... a surprise if you will :D [Creature design by Al B. Bach]


puntos ADN
91 Huesos0 Pies0 Manos
Dieta: Herbívoro
Salud: +0
0 %
71.66 %
10 / 20
3 / 20
4 / 15
5 / 53 / 50 / 5
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Por Serevanth

The herd of 7 of these gliding through the forest looks wonderful in game!

Por Soulcastor12x

i like this guy. his wings are perfect, and the tentacles and stuff on his body add nice touches. the spine could not be better, and those colours are amazing. nice one! R+++

Por BioLoki

Nice. How did you get such a long description?

Por bcrane

Very cool.. great job on the wings, and the feather plooms on the head are a nice touch.

Por Thaleron

Very nice! Buddied you and thanks for your comments!

Por friedaS

Very welldone, nice details and colors, R+

Por SolarisPhoenix

Eee, she's beautiful ^______^ I love this whole series. I'd die to see any of these flying around in the clouds one day, hehe. Thank you for your kind comments, by the way ^_^ R

Por lazywnch

Oh, she's gorgeous, Al. The sheen to her fantastic, and I love the feminine touches around her face. The pseudo wings are lovely as well.

Por bear90


Por OldRygel

Well done - your description is wonderful and the creature fit well with it. Thumbs up.

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