No puntuado

Por Al_B_Bach
08/01/2009 - 19:08:22

Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 0.34 (No puntuado)
Tags: al_b_bach, cat, fantasy, feline


Dandy-Lions run rampant through out my house. Such wonderful companions they are, but not without trying fault and not even as quiet as a mouse. Forever mischievous, destroyers of furniture, eaters of house plants, stalkers of feet, bolters of door that is ajar and fur shedding machines that's what they are. Whatever I wear... whenever I leave, a spare Lion in tow will always be attached to fibers worn and weaved. Covered with magic fur, that changes color to clash mysteriously with what is worn. In public I go, sharing a Lion, like so many seeds wanting to be born. Bearing a fish that I've just carved, they're always hungry, demanding my attention like a craving child, one that is starved. Feed me... Reow, feed me... Neow! My sated pride a following, I'm in for a ride... My love returned is a friendly purr, gentle head butt, a playful grab or loving nip... that is what I get, just to show me that they care, such a giving lot... you'd think I'm their heir. Window guards, posted like gargoyle's sitting, watching for small birds and squirrles at play, that is how they pass the day. Churring in excitment, tails all a twitch, whiskers forward touching glass, waiting to launch the right attack. You know the sign, rump slightly raised and then it swaggles, legs pump up and down... then here comes the leap, thump goes the glass... another bird is startled then falls on it's ass. A momentary daze and a look over shoulder, then a quick lick of paw... the relayed wink "I meant to do that!" in a feline grin, horrible heathens, such a sin. Sunshine soakers when at peace... always sunbeam napping, then winter heaters when I'm a napping. Kneading my flesh, rousting my sleep, just to make me softer... nails a digging but never to deep. Steals my blanket, hogs the couch like the lair of a wild beast, its almost a daily date... I ask myself "With Lions about, who needs a mate?" My playful companions, love them all, come a running at the slightest call. PIAs each one I say, but they certainly do and will make my day :) [Creature design by Al B. Bach]


puntos ADN
59 Huesos4 Pies0 Manos
Dieta: Herbívoro
Salud: +0
6 %
100 %
13 / 20
3 / 20
3 / 15
5 / 53 / 50 / 5
4 / 50 / 53 / 5
4 / 50 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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Por Shibby1313


Por Marco8ynwa

a great title with a amense struchtre well done :D

Por M1K3_MAN

Love the pun the mane AWW ITS SO AWSOME!!! the descrip adds so much to it :)

Por Nethellus

That's one dandy lion. =) R+

Por LuiBei1994


Por Purple_flame

Adorable.. I love this idea ^^

Por mark11

cool creature, but i wouldn't have enough room in my house for one of these. too bad. looks really fun to have one. R+

Por Nicholas_Cap

The name is brilliant! I would maybe want a baby one in my house, but once it grew up, it would be out!

Por Rennar

Lol! Nice idea, and amazing description!

Por AapBurger

Nice Lion, his head looks really nice! And the description adds so much to it. Great!

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