PiersShads's Sunbike 2
No puntuado

Por PiersShads
07/01/2009 - 11:25:36

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.24 (No puntuado)
Tags: bike, contest2, hilight, ship, space, spaceship, sunbike


Made so that he could cruise the universe in style and comfort this sunbike can actualy ride on sunlight with thoughs wheels! (made for sunbike contest)


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Por Words5

Wow great spaceship!!

Por Pluribus

vey interesting

Por gcdcyst

Nice design with great faithfullness to the source.

Por NextToGone

In game.. very sweet ride! Massive detailing and beautiful light show!

Por NextToGone


Por NicMacc

love it!

Por AdamantAdam

Oh, that's cool. I like the "wheels." :)

Por brenner

Looks elegant, great work!

Por Flying Penguin

greened~ by the way, thanks for the comments

Por Flying Penguin

wow very nice~

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