Starlight Essence
No puntuado

Por Al_B_Bach
05/01/2009 - 07:03:42

Tipo: Criatura
Puntuación: 0.67 (No puntuado)
Tags: al_b_bach, fairy, flight, sprite, starlight, winged


Starlight Essence glides in the sky of dusk and dawn, teasing our minds eye. She is a gentle creature and is the spirt of young romance and mirth. As she glides from point to point, she can make the stars twinkle as she passes them by or gives the glitter on a moonlit shore to hold us in awe at the marvel. She is the sparkle of a lovers eye, the glint in a tear of joy from the beauty of an evening sky or waking dawn. Enhancing the sight of newborn stars and spreading scents of delicate perfumes on slight breeze, exciting our senses and causing dreams of wonder. Always directing the symphony of crickets and frogs, she is the blessing of the night and bringer of contentment. But all to often, for we in a rush, tend overlook the gifts she parts to us. With closed mind and backs turned we hardly give a glance. How sad it is when we are so blind to the joys that are free to open eyes and spirited heart. A simple look, a quiet ear, that is all it takes to touch her magic weaved and reach the humble in us all. Part five of a small series of eight! [Creature design by Al B. Bach]


puntos ADN
91 Huesos0 Pies0 Manos
Dieta: Herbívoro
Salud: +3
3 %
63.29 %
9 / 20
6 / 20
5 / 15
5 / 53 / 50 / 5
0 / 53 / 54 / 5
4 / 50 / 51 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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Por bcrane

You keep using the pose very effectively.. excellent work. Keep 'em coming :)

Por Rebecca1208

Beautiful, love the wings :-)

Por bigmont

This one is great.

Por werderfan2012

i really love this one ...it looks beautiful,R+

Por Alchemist

Think this is my favorite essence so far! The colours fit so well! R+ Green faced!

Por Rantalia

Oh, you created new essences, I'm really curious how the last two will look like.

Por OilLupus

oh a you owe Serevanth i subscribed to you just to rate Ur creations because he asked me to :) so nice job ! I find the darkness is a very B-utiful thing that leaves alot to the imagination, your version is quite nice too! a I'm just cynical not goth!

Por Kreaturnator

Very awesome looking creature! I love the face and pose of the body! You did an excellent job!

Por RissaAngel

cool creature. love the design. nice work.

Por Jade106

I am glad its fixed for you, whatever the case :)

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