Global Armistance End of WW-VII
No puntuado

Por OilLupus
19/12/2008 - 19:51:16

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.39 (No puntuado)
Tags: gws, memorial


Cas: 7.8 trillion (more than 3/4ths of the earths population)
Who: Global
Breif: At 13:13 AM 13 vacuum titan(supply a burst of vacuum space over a 100,000 mile radius fatally decompressing any lving tissue) missles landed over earth


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Por paultmcc

When will my memorial be posted?

Por paultmcc

Oh... O.k.

Por OilLupus

they now inhabit this great fertile area but lukly cant swim b/c thear bodies lead content makes them sink like rocks and even the biggest of them drown very fast.

Por OilLupus

it landed on the passenger doorin seconds had melted through by spitting on the door and crawled inside the diriver looked over screemed and blood on the window blocked the view of the pedestrians and that was the first Genus Demon creature ever incounter

Por OilLupus

following generations rapidly making them increasingly bigger and more deadly each generation, about a month later a mouse sized creature was reported to have scurried out of a gutter before a large group of pedestrians, and jumped at the side of a taxi

Por OilLupus

well these micro organisms lived off of living tissues which ironically enough the also destroyd b/c their waste was radioactive, the massive amount of lead in the systems of these creatures makes them imune to the radiation but it still efected the

Por OilLupus

gassses building in the body and this gas was an Element 118 the last element highly highly highly highly highly radioactive a pound of it in solid form could decay in secondswhitch means such large amounts were being produced that the bodies still inflat

Por OilLupus

and the microorganisms where spred all over the area, a few days later the arctic colonists and creatures started getting sick and dieing rapidly but the scary part is that as soon as the corps reached a temperature of 80º F they would start to grow from-

Por OilLupus

-animation state and when enteing earths atmosphere the heat melted the liquids in the center of teh astroid, on impact the arctic regon which had become the most fertile area teh earth had seen espescialy around the edges

Por OilLupus

that is the only place in the last world war that saw no fighting Its called the 2nd dark contenent It is the product of a small astroid impact, the astroid must have broken off of a dying planet with microscopic organisms that enterd a suspended -

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