Xervantez' Prize
No puntuado

Por MaxisCactus
15/12/2008 - 18:57:37

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.52 (No puntuado)
Tags: mcmythologychallenge, trophybysporemasternumerator


Xervantez won the Greek Mythology Challenge with Minotaurus. Check out the winning creation here: http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=sast-500204783379 or find other submissions by searching mcmythologychallenge. Trophy design by SporeMasterNumerator.


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Por Vectorzz

Looks awesome, good job!

Por itsglenn

wow great creation love the design :). I JUST made some new stuff for you to check out come see them please :)

Por YakNose


Por Himmelslaub

Excellent design!

Por Alex.Brasil

Ops, Xervantez

Por Alex.Brasil

Nice prize, and Congrats Zervantez ^^

Por Slartibartfast38

very cool! great design and execution. congrats Xervantez!

Por CatuMaker

Awesome, and it even looks greek, too!

Por 7TheCreator7

Very nice

Por 7TheCreator7

Very nice

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