Burining Keith
No puntuado
Por Salabasama
09/12/2008 - 04:55:40
Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 0.04 (No puntuado)
Tags: csny, fighter, keith, space
I made a space fighter, and named it Keith. Apparently, this is the result when I create while listening to CSNY done as bluegrass instrumental.
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Por Hydro_Glyph
Great design the color a texture is very nice.
Por Spooradit
'ello me 'ansome 'ow arr you doin' today? (Me Ansom being used by Cornish people a lot when speaking to another person that they know - they also use 'me lover' a 'me cocker' but not quite as often)
Por Spooradit
I'm thinking about your comment conundrum - you could always practise bad elocution a drop your Hs... as in...
Por Nyctea
This fighter is very nice form. I tried this in my dogoorians' stage for minuites.. And it was stood out so much in my screen. It's very important point.
Por Spooradit
Had my own big bang tonight but it wasn't on the wall ... it was outside somewhere a the dogs all around barked.
Por Spooradit
Liking this... wish listening to things would help me create spaceships that look like proper spaceships.
Por dragonkohan
very good detail
Por NextToGone
Nice ride! Love the design!