Por jaked12207/12/2008 - 18:40:23
Tipo: Vehículo espacialPuntuación: -1 (No puntuado)
Por 01001101 I think you make interesting looking spaceships. However, you have mostly animals. You should make more spaceships.
Por 01001101 Pick up your SPORE Os at your nearest economic space stage race.
Por 01001101 Allright. ?I? is just that it is so fun to make fun of spelling errors.
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Por 01001101
I think you make interesting looking spaceships. However, you have mostly animals. You should make more spaceships.
Por 01001101
Pick up your SPORE Os at your nearest economic space stage race.
Por 01001101
Allright. ?I? is just that it is so fun to make fun of spelling errors.