Groovel Business District
No puntuado

Por Andeavor
24/11/2008 - 15:31:36

Tipo: Edificio de fábrica
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)
Tags: business, district, finance, office, sales, set:groovel, trade


The Groovel are natural-born traders. From a very early age on they already know how to earn the most from selling spice gum to oblivious children of other empires. As an adult they are most comfortable sitting in an office and planning their finances.


Por comander288

I am.

Por z_rollercoast_z

Hey, are you an architect in real life?

Por apd1997

great job 95james193

Por Solkovskyj

Love this building series. I plan to use it in-game xD

Por Kraus

I've been looking all over for great building sets, you just became my favorite artist.

Por calculatrice

Hmm... Here, you can have my one marble, and I can have your seventy-five marbles! Souns kind of like me when I was younger... I still do that, though;)

Por world_piece

You're very good at this!

Por avmf8

Look it went green.

Por foreverpiping

Nice look to this one..Like the trees at gound level. r+ ?


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