No puntuado

Por Ryuujin
28/10/2008 - 01:07:02

Tipo: Vehículo militar terrestre
Puntuación: 0.09 (No puntuado)
Tags: ai, biped, gunbot, mech, mecha, robot, ryuujin, walker


Cheap disposable gunbots. Easy to produce, guilt-free when they get toasted, and will never attempt a coup against your corrupt government.


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Por eljacko

Every evil dictator must have one!

Por TinyPieGuy

Nice subtle assym! Wow, this is one of the few uses of those moving legs that I've seen!

Por OO-Ninja

That's awesome looking, especially the way you gave it the single eye!

Por Fenrir890

I have to say, you did a really good job with hard to use legs. It tames a special person to make those walkers look good on something

Por MorDeCaza

great, lol discription.

Por Darksidetk

Very cool. I wish my mechs looked like this.

Por mooiki

whooot i gave it green face =D

Por gremlinbob

looks somewhat like an at-st from star wars

Por TeamM

this is great.

Por Jade106

great walker-Bot! Great job!

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