No puntuado

Por Nadal6940
20/10/2008 - 12:33:14
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)
Tags: building, cabin, house, log cabin, nadal6940
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Por Nadal6940
20/10/2008 - 12:33:14
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.02 (No puntuado)
Tags: building, cabin, house, log cabin, nadal6940
Por mitch4
Great detail, I am a huge fan of your work!
Por Scriptureman
Very nice, excellent detailing
Por sandan97
Cool!...beutiful house ;-) From sandan97
Por Ezrie
Thanks!! I was going to dedicate Otto to you, but was afraid if he looked awful it would be a bad tribute. This is wonderful by the way. :)
Por lumpyice
this looks like a very peaceful place where you can forget about all your troubles and simply relax great job sincerely lumpyice
Por armadora
Hi.. I've added you in my The Best sporescast.. thanks for your creation. Take a look on it and let a comment if you like.
Por Mootacoo
wow this whole series is so beautiful =D great job!
Por lazywnch
The log cabin is just another great addition to the series.