Glacial Eye
No puntuado

Por AzruPL
24/09/2008 - 22:38:14

Tipo: Edificio de ayuntamiento
Puntuación: 0.84 (No puntuado)
Tags: beam, eye, glacial, ice, light blue, snow


Located deep in the snowfields of Pikti-Amarr this ancient ruins are the only thing that's left of the race of Ancestors. Rumour has it that this building contains hidden technology that could boost a species millenia ahead in their evolution.


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Por TheMountainLion

This is just awesome!!!

Por Wraithcutter1

Very nice!!

Por MyCretureOwnsUrs


Por Alesandria

Wow bardzo fajne :D I ladne colory! (i dziekuje bardzo za comments :) )

Por Catsforever

Nice job, I love it

Por Msthang

This is awesome, very creative and I love the color scheme. =)

Por MarcosPolos

omg that is so cool!

Por CommanderT

I love this building, everytime i see it on the forums

Por VyseX

VERY well done!

Por BringerOfLight94

the "new" monolith lol... i like it

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