Leisure Den T
No puntuado

Por AzruPL
22/09/2008 - 17:22:14
Tipo: Edificio de casa
Puntuación: 0.87 (No puntuado)
Tags: bushes, chimney, connectors, grey, red, set:terbashoog
This sophisticated contruction is the home of Terbashoogs. It features a little garden, multiple rooms and chambers and glass ceilings for those moments where you'd like to just lie down and watch the sky.
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Por Caesarmoo
Your building a vehicle designs are fantastic. I hope to come across them in my worlds. Kudos to you!
Por noneedfor
Neat, very unique house!
Por Nykara
Very nice work :)
Por sagittary
Funky. :) Very nice.
Por FlyinPingu
Houses like this really inspire me to try and think outside the box in the editors. Good job.
Por Kelmaro
iono why but i just really really like this building and think its awsome