Knox SD II

Por Kenrick26
02/09/2008 - 14:00:13

Tipo: Vehículo espacial
Puntuación: 5.94 (Bueno)
Tags: best, darth, imperial, kox, spaceship, spore, star, star destroyer, star wars, stargate vader, starwars, wars


Página 1

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Por LightWarrior

Man this is way better then I ever did..

Por elementc

Well done. I'll be using this one.

Por shicknannon

Love this

Por ChaosKiller

Really nice!

Por Turnip1991

This ship look's EPIC. Seriosuly, well done!10/10

Por Phazed

Awesome, nice shape. Could use more detail? Like thin, seek antenna's and a few more bright lights?

Por Iivaitte

this has got to be the best looking one so far, beat me to it.
good job!!!

Por Impulse89

very well done

Por bionicle

u used the star destroyer nice

Por Cigol

I like this, the colour and texture works for Spore.

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