The Tomb of Maize / Análisis

Por BlazinCake96
22/12/2021 - 20:35:38

Tipo: Aventura de puzzle
Puntuación: -0.22 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You are stranded alone in this now barren wasteland, supplied with just enough food to replenish your health for a couple of minutes. Get the treasure before you die of starvation.
Mensaje de victoria:
You've successfully found a treasured chest. Bring your ship, gather up the treasure and deliver it to your alien friend.
Mensaje de fracaso:
You've failed to deliver the treasure. Return back home to replenish yourself.
ACTO 1 :   hidden chest
The treasured chest is located somewhere in the ruins. Position yourself to explore it's interior.
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