TRANSFORMERS Part 1 / Análisis

Por Digidestined123
24/02/2013 - 19:45:01

Tipo: Aventura sin género
Puntuación: -1 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
Starscream: Blackout, can you hear me? We need to obtain that military base's data on Megatron and the cube! Use whatever means neccessary to obtain the data! Go!
Mensaje de victoria:
Starscream: Ugh! Blackout, we failed to obtain the neccessary data! Return to base, I have an idea...
Mensaje de fracaso:
Starscream: Blackout?! What happened! ...So, we've already lost you. How pathetic, you died to those weak humans..
ACTO 1 :   Phase 1: Invade
Starscream: Blackout, those humans have the data we need. You must get to their base, and quickly. Destroy anything that gets in your way.
ACTO 2 :   Phase 2: Destroy
Starscream: Good job, Blackout! Now approach the Human's Military base! Destroy everything in sight, including the database! We'll extract what we can!
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