Infestation - Dronox Invasion / Análisis

Por zillafire101
18/11/2012 - 01:01:06

Tipo: Aventura de ataque
Puntuación: 0.32 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You are a Dronox clone emerging from the Grox Infestation Pod. You must rid this planet of any living organisms and destroy their habitats.
Mensaje de victoria:
Victory is yours! You have assisted the Grox conquer yet another planet.
Mensaje de fracaso:
You lost this battle, but the war goes on. Continue to fight and help the Grox spread their empire.
ACTO 1 :   Clone Briefing
The Dronox Commander leads his army into action. Follow his orders.
ACTO 2 :   Extermination!
Annihilate all life forms and their habitats.
ACTO 3 :   Final Blow!
Concentrate all firepower on taking down their core military infrastructure located within the base.
ACTO 4 :   Final Blow!

ACTO 5 :   Success!
You've successfully cleansed this land and helped pave the way for the Grox's intergalactic domination.
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