Spore at Sea 2-3 / Análisis

Por MetaGamesInc
26/09/2011 - 23:27:56

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: 0 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
With Walish ahead in the temple, our hero gets ready to scale this large underground cavern. What lies in store up ahead?
Mensaje de victoria:
Part 3 Complete!Now, our heroes proceed down into the depths of the Ice Caverns...
Mensaje de fracaso:
These caverns can be tough on one. Please try again.
ACTO 1 :   Head inside.
The temple awaits. Step into the hole to get started.
ACTO 2 :   Talk to Walish.
Walish is waiting for you down below.
ACTO 3 :   Let's do this.
Scale the caverns and find the Guardian's chamber. Use the keys in each room to help you open other doors.
ACTO 4 :   The door...
This door is what now stands between us and the Snow Guardian.
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