Happy World 1 The Dark Beggining / Análisis

Por wormelowtump
06/09/2011 - 23:45:08

Tipo: Aventura de historia
Puntuación: -0.68 (No puntuado)

Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You've been invited by the mayor to come and see their glorious home!But you're also here because your radar has picked up something else in Happy World and your computer says it's not good.
Mensaje de victoria:
You and the other bunnies befeat the shadowy city, but that is only the beggining of a war that will be long and painfull.The Saga Begins! To be continued...
Mensaje de fracaso:
I guess Happy World isn't all butterflies and sunshine...
ACTO 1 :   Wellcome to Happy World!
Okay... Butterflies, bunny rabbits, cute little bugs. Not your thing. But go talk to the mayor anyway.
ACTO 2 :   What the-
What the- Oh yeah. I told you something else was living here... Kill it! Kill it!! Kill it!!
ACTO 3 :   Happy huh?
I think that was bad. Go talk to the mayor to see what the heck just happened.
ACTO 4 :   Ooh... Aah...
So... Not always cute and fluffy eh? An army eh? Talk to the mayor to say,"'You- Wha- Army- Bunnies-"'.
ACTO 5 :   War again.
Just do what the mayor said. get out to the camp and start kick'n butt.
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