Sheon Canyon / Análisis

Por oddcreator97
12/08/2011 - 15:26:12
Tipo: Aventura de exploración
Puntuación: 0.08 (No puntuado)
Información básica
Mensaje introductorio:
You beam down near a waterfall at the rear of the canyon. This place is beautiful, but the reason for the downfall of the nearby tribe was never found...
You beam down near a waterfall at the rear of the canyon. This place is beautiful, but the reason for the downfall of the nearby tribe was never found...
Mensaje de victoria:
I really hoped you enjoyed it :). Please rate up and comment! Constructive criticism is always welcome. One more thing... Did you find the radio's?
I really hoped you enjoyed it :). Please rate up and comment! Constructive criticism is always welcome. One more thing... Did you find the radio's?
Mensaje de fracaso:
HOW? Hard luck I guess. Please report any bugs.
HOW? Hard luck I guess. Please report any bugs.
ACTO 1 : Peace...
You are at a small waterfall. Explore to your hearts content and beam up when you are done.
You are at a small waterfall. Explore to your hearts content and beam up when you are done.
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